bailouts failed to tackle reckless banks, says watchdog
• Neil Barofsky warns government risks housing bubble
• Troubled Asset Relief Program cost US taxpayers $700bn
Heather Stewart, Sunday 31 January 2010 19.58 GMT
Washington's efforts to fix America's financial system have created a "heads I win, tails the government bails me out" mentality on Wall Street, according to a stinging report from the watchdog in charge of monitoring the government's bank rescues.
As President Obama prepares to unveil his Budget tomorrow, amid growing voter anger about the costs of the crash, Neil Barofsky, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, used his quarterly report to Congress to rebuke politicians for failing to tackle deep-seated problems in America's financial system.
TARP was first announced by the then Treasury secretary Hank Paulson in autumn 2008, to stabilise the banking sector in the wake of Lehman Brothers' collapse. The Obama administration increased the size of the programme to $700bn and widened its scope from propping up failing banks, to boosting borrowing to small businesses and preventing mass foreclosures in the housing market.
In his report, Barofsky warns that while many of Wall Street's largest players bought their way out of the TARP last year, returning some of the government's funds, the financial system is no safer than at the height of the credit crunch.
"The substantial costs of TARP – in money, moral hazard effects on the market, and government credibility – will have been for naught if we do nothing to correct the fundamental problems in our financial system and end up in a similar or even greater crisis in two, five or even ten years time," he says.
Barofsky says none of Wall Street's deep-seated faults, from excessive bonuses, to the "heads I win; tails, the government will bail me out" mentality of the big banks, have yet been tackled.
"Even if TARP saved our financial system from driving off a cliff back in 2008, absent meaningful reform, we are still driving on the same mountain road, but this time in a faster car," he said.
His warning about "moral hazard" echoes the concerns of Bank of England governor Mervyn King about the multibillion- pound bailouts of Britain's financial sector – that bankers would be left believing even if they brought the financial system crashing down around them, the government would be ready to step in.