Edited on Mon Feb-01-10 10:47 PM by diva77
in order to attain maximum influence:
I'd make sure to heavily subsidize candidates for Secretary of State elections in states with large numbers of Electoral College votes (Ohio, FL, CA, etc.)
I would also heavily subsidize County Clerk/ Registrar of Voter elections in heavily populated counties. I'd make sure the people installed in those elections go on to appoint people that I approve of. I'd also buy up as many shares as possible of ES&S, Premier (aka Diebold), Hart Intercivic, Sequoia -- the corporations that run our "elections" ...
I'd work on destroying organizations in the spirit of ACORN that increase voter registration for people that I don't want voting
I'd buy up as many shares as possible in companies involved in voter registration -- such as Diebold, Choicepoint. I'd make sure that they find a way to scrub names of people I don't want on the registration rolls
On election day, I'd deploy machines where I want them, and underdeploy machines where I don't want them
I'd screw up ballot stock and software and hardware to create more under and overvoting wherever I want
I'd pay for pollsters to conduct polls and achieve results in favor of my candidate no matter how unpopular
I'd make sure to own enough shares of major media companies so that no one would say anything about what I've done
I'd do a lot more...but you get the idea...