Overall, do you approve or disapprove of Barack Obama's job as president?
Overall, how would you rate Barack Obama's job as president - excellent, good, fair, or poor?
Overall, are you proud or ashamed to have Barack Obama as President of the United States?
Do you think the United States is headed in the right direction or are things off on the wrong track?
Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements?
Congress should finish the process and pass a healthcare reform bill.
President Obama is sincere when he says he wants to work with both parties to find solutions to the nation's problems.
When thinking about their respective presidencies, who do you believe was more sincere in his efforts to work with both parties to find solutions to the nation's problems-Barack Obama or George W. Bush?
Again, when thinking about their respective presidencies, who do you believe was more sincere in his efforts to work with both parties to find solutions to the nation's problems-Barack Obama or Bill Clinton?
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