The American people SPOKE in 2008, and the said that they wanted at least FOUR YEARS of Obama as president. That's FOUR YEARS of giving Obama a chance to do his job.
Funny how the Rs always complain that Ds listen to polls, and that listening to polls is no way to govern...UNTIL they lose elections! Then, the Rs drag out every favorable poll they can find to say they're listening to the American people.
Well, what about the election results? That's the biggest poll of all.
I also loved the "listening to the people" on health care that the Rs put forward today: town hall meetings from last summer! That's right. Those gaggles of ignorant assholes screaming "I want my country back" and "keep your government hands off my Social Security," those hot beds of anger and racism that were fueled by R LIES about death panels and socialism. That's what the Rs cited as exercises in listening to the people.
Overall, I think the Ds won this big time today, no more so than when Dick Durbin pointed out the John Boehner's claim that the MAJOR expense in health care costs was the cost of malpractice lawsuits. As Durbin pointed out, malpractice awards account for only ONE FIFTH OF ONE PERCENT of the health care expenses in this country. That's right. One-fifth of one percent.
Boehner would have the rubes believe that over 50% of the costs in health care were from malpractice lawsuit awards. That's what their whole "tort reform" BS is about. But he's lying. The fact is that if we eliminated the right to sue a physician for malpractice, it would cut medical expenses in this country by only a measly one-fifth of one percent.