We got rid of Liddy Dole in NC, and now we work on getting out Richard Burr.
Here is a prime example of what we are up against.
The audacity of disseminating such outlandish accusation/propaganda! What gall to speak of the lack of transparency after 8 arduous years of covert government!Dear Friend,
Blatantly ignoring the opposition to government-run health care by the American people, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are working to push this massive health spending bill through Congress by using a process called Reconciliation.
The American people rejected their ideas. The special election in Massachusetts was a pretty clear referendum on their health care reform legislation. However, they continue to ignore the American people and ram it through Congress.
Reid, Pelosi and this Administration want you to believe they are drafting health care reform in a transparent and bipartisan manner. But gathering lawmakers at the White House in the name of bipartisanship, while planning to impose government-run health care for all on the American people, whether Americans want it or not, is nothing more than a smoke and mirrors approach to reform.
The Administration made up their mind before the summit and introduced their own health care proposal. They crafted this legislation behind closed doors with no input from Republicans. And now, they want to use Reconciliation and completely cut out the American people. This is political gamesmanship at its ugliest.
With all of these behind the scenes efforts to get around the will of the people, it's hard to envision what the purpose of Thursday's summit is. It is time to start over and give the American people what they have been demanding, health care reform that will actually drive down costs and provide access to quality care.
If you want real solutions be sure to sign our health care petition, as well as pass along this message to friends and family. It is time the voices of the American people are heard.
Richard Burr
United States Senator