I've heard/seen them say they want small government over and over. Exactly what do they mean?
They want a big military yet are against the public option. Doesn't the public option count as "small government"? Do they understand the definition of "small government"?
I googled and found this great post by someone which is very funny and so true.
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100207084840AA3xqXEThe GOP basically pimps for the anyone who gives them money. In their case they pimp for trans national corporations, developers, union busters, the war heads, rich people and the Jesus freaks. They have zero regard for the American wage earner. Every time these bozos get their hands on the levers and wheels of government the working class loses. 'Small government' to these guys means let the big boys do anything they want short of homicide. If the working class gets screwed so what...all they are is sheep to be sheared. The environment? $%^& the environment! Turn everything over to 'private enterprise', suck all the bucks out of it and then move on. Rape, pillage and burn and if 'ya don't like it 'yer a a far left 'liberal', a socialist or a commie. Spend a day listening to the GOP's Ministry of Propaganda...the right wing radio dummies...they don't even try to hide what they want. And now the teabag jokers are getting into the act...lower our taxes but maintain and enhance our 800 billion borrowed dollars a year over bloated military and let the social and physical infrastructure go to hell in a boat. NO doubt these flag waving, cross shaking characters will manage to get themselves elected. Look forward to living in a third world country run by a pack of brain dead Palins with two digit IQs. 'Ya gotta' love these guys!