Republican Mike Heller is a mean man. From the
Las Vegas Sun
Washington — Republican Rep. Dean Heller is emerging as Nevada’s newest frank-talking politician — one in a line of elected officials who speak their mind, political correctness be damned.
Consider his remarks last weekend at the Elko Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner when he wondered aloud if extending unemployment benefits is keeping people from finding work.
“Is the government now creating hobos?” Heller said, according to the Elko Daily Free Press.
Nevada, mind you, is a state with a 13 percent jobless rate.
It was not the first time that the congressman’s impolitic remarks pingponged around the blogosphere.
and there is more
"It’s a common view in Republican circles that the longer unemployed people receive unemployment checks, the longer they stay out of work.
“Benefits subsidize unemployment,” wrote James Sherk in a January memo for the conservative Heritage Foundation. “They reduce the need to search for new work and to make difficult choices — such as moving or switching industries — to begin a new job.”
Unemployment insurance provides for up to two years of benefits.
Maurice Emsellem, co-director of policy at the National Employment Law Project, said although it is true that studies show people remain out of work up to two weeks longer while on unemployment checks, that extra time helps them secure a better job — one with insurance, for example — rather than settle for the first thing that comes along."
At the end of the day, these guys state that you cannot find a job became a capitalist yourself. Start your own business. Become dependent on yourself and not others.
What happens if you have no funds and the banks do not provide investment capital to start a business? What happends if you cannot get the funding? Than, I am going to state that if subject condition exists than a social safety net is required. He should be made to answer this charge.