I'm going to start gathering t shirts tomorrow. I've got a couple dozen shirts I've never even worn. Trains, political, etc.
http://www.apri.org/Dear Brothers and Sisters:
The A. Philip Randolph Institute is calling on you, our APRI family, to come together to support our Haitian sisters and brothers in their moment of “extraordinary need.” As you know, entire nations have mobilized in this critical rescue and relief mission to provide aid to Haiti. We are asking you to take immediate action to join this effort, if you have not already done so.
The most immediate need is for monetary contributions.
The following organizations have established sites expressly designated for the purpose of receiving and distributing funds directly to Haiti. You can make a contribution of any size at the following sites:
Clinton Bush Haiti Fund - UNICEF (1-800-4UNICEF) - Direct Relief -Yele Haiti - Partners in Health - Red Cross - World Food Program - Mercy Corps (1-888-256-1900) - Save the Children - Lambi Fund - Doctors Without Borders - The International Rescue Committee - Care - William J. Clinton Foundation - Meds & Food For Kids - Feed the Children - Habitat for Humanity
We have been advised that the second most immediate need is a special request from our Haitian brothers and sisters for “T-Shirts”.
Brother Edgar Romney, Secretary of the National A. Philip Randolph Institute, is spearheading an effort to mobilize APRI and union affiliate donations of T-Shirts to the people of Haiti. We are asking you to gather your new and slightly worn T-Shirts and send them to Brother Romney’s attention so that he can coordinate the shipping directly to Haiti. Please mark your shipping label with “APRI” so that they can be grouped together with the APRI donation.
The address for Edgar Romney is: Working United, 275 Seventh Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10001.
We will be providing additional information on how you can help, and how other organizations are responding to this critical and worthy cause.
We know that you will respond without reservation and with the utmost speed to this urgent request.
Thank you.