No more warning shots.
As of 7am this morning, Senate Healthcare Villain Blanche Lincoln has a Democratic primary opponent and it's Arkansas Lt. Governor Bill Halter.
Blanche Lincoln is a Wall Street puppet for the insurance industry that has contributed over $2 million to her campaign. While over 56% of Arkansas voters wanted the choice of a public option, Lincoln vowed on the Senate floor she'd filibuster healthcare reform unless the public option was stripped from the bill. Senator Lincoln stood up and the insurance companies won.
Last year, we said Senators who stand against the America people -- will stand alone for reelection. Today, we can prove it.
SEND A MESSAGE WASHINGTON UNDERSTANDS -- SUPPORT BILL HALTER NOW Bill Halter is a solid Democrat, an Arkansas progressive, and a populist leader. He's fought for working men and women and delivered real change for Arkansas. His track record as Lt. Governor proves it.
"Washington is broken. Bailing out Wall Street, with no strings attached while leaving middle-class Arkansas taxpayers with the bill. Protecting insurance company profits instead of patients and lowering health costs. Gridlock, bickering and partisan games while unemployment is at a 25-year high. Enough is enough." -- Bill Halter announcement, March 1, 2010
Bill Halter gets it. Best of all, Bill Halter can win.
DEFEAT A HEALTHCARE VILLAIN -- CONTRIBUTE TO A REAL DEMOCRAT RIGHT NOWWe told the Healthcare Villains we would not forget. We showed them how popular the public option was in their state and nationwide. We warned them not to choose insurance companies over the Americans people.
Now it's too late for Senator Blanche Lincoln.
It's time to take down the first Healthcare Villain and strike back at those who oppose real reform. Let's make sure there isn't a Democrat in Washington that doesn't get the message.
Thank you for everything you do.
Charles Chamberlain, Political Director
Democracy for America