It’s Not Just the Emails DOJ Lost, It’s the Backup Documentation
By: emptywheel Monday March 1, 2010 6:52 am
TweetTweet Share’s not just the emails that are missing. It’s also some of the backup documentation. Some of the documents that went into the production of the torture memos–and should have been reviewed by OPR over the course of its investigation–disappeared some time in the last 5 years.
As I reported last September, after some delay in a FOIA response, Acting head of OLC, David Barron confessed that OLC could not find all of the documents that it had first listed on a 2006 FOIA response.
The problem, as Barron explained in his declaration, seems to stem from three things: CIA, not OLC, did the original FOIA search in 2005 and at that time did not make a copy of the documents responsive to FOIA; for long periods OPR had the documents, lumped in with a bunch of other torture documents, so it could work on is investigation; the documents got shuttled around for other purposes, as well, including other investigations and one trip to the CIA for a 2007 update to the FOIA Vaughn Index.
And, somewhere along the way, at least 10 documents originally identified in 2005 as responsive to the FOIA got lost.
The 10 Missing Documents
Here’s a list of the short descriptions of what disappeared:
* Document 6, 07/25/2002, 46 page Top Secret memo providing legal advice
* Document 20, 09/12/2003, 1 page Top Secret memo requesting legal advice
* Document 47, 07/07/2004, 1 page Top Secret memo providing legal advice
* Document 77, 08/16/2004, 2 page Top Secret memo providing legal advice
* Document 142, undated 2 page Top Secret memo requesting legal advice
* Document 155, undated 3 page Top Secret draft memo with attached handwritten notes requesting legal advice
* Document 172, undated 5 page Top Secret memo requesting legal advice
* Document 175, undated 6 page Top Secret draft memo providing legal advice
* Document 177, undated 10 page Top Secret draft memo providing legal advice
* Document 181, undated 127 page Top Secret draft memo providing legal advice