There was no Fox news then, but North did have the relentless support of the local RW radio hacks 24 hours a day...
And yes, Robb was the lamest of lame ducks (low approval rating and coming off a sex scandal, no less) who needed a miracle to save him...Sadly, he was representative of a lot of the old-mindset, complacent Dems in the party and congress that got chopped off (or retired) between '94 and '02...North had a lot going for him -- This is a huge military state, and a lot of residents to this day believe North didn't do anything wrong, The now-infamous Christian Coalition and their affiliated partners were flexing their muscles, zeroing in on political correctness, increasing diversity, immorality (i.e. the bedhopping of Robb, Clinton, and so many others), feminism, and abortion (Virginia was one of the frontlines of the abortion wars in the early 90s, which was a hairy time)...
Like a lot of longtime congresscritters at the time, Robb was too much of a Beltway Country-Clubber -- He loved the power, perks and rock star status of being a senator, and staying elected was more important than actually doing something positive with his office...
But at least the positive is after '02, the party with Dean made some drastic changes in fundraising, GOTV, organizing, message framing and candidate selection...