EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: 'Andy Breitbart Explains It All For You' - Disturbing Admissions, Manic Responses to the ACORN Video 'Pimp' HoaxOn-the-record answers at CPAC, that the corporate media couldn't be bothered to get themselves before misreporting the story...
- Guest Blogged by Mike Stark of StarkReports.com A few "highlights" from the insane, must-watch, interview…
STARK: It's a simple question, though. How did the pimp costume add to the context?
BREITBART: It's the title sequence, like at the beginning of Borat it has music in it.
STARK: You don't think that was misleading?
BREITBART: Why would it be misleading?
BREITBART: Okay? Hello to anyone that thinks that I was misleading. I did not know that there was a discrepancy between the title sequence, I didn't think it was significant.
BREITBART: Why does it maaaaatteeeer? It means nothing! He's a pimp! In a thing! It doesn't matter! It was a title sequence!...Do you say this to Borat? Do you go, "When, at the, at the beginning of Borat, you're dressed like this, and then in the next scene you're dressed in a different way?"
STARK: You've been very, very meticulous in insisting on corrections from media outlets that get things wrong…Why not be equally meticulous in telling the New York Times he was not dressed as a pimp, the way you reported, when he went into the office?
BREITBART: But what I saw through the title sequence, that's when I reported that …
STARK: But now you know it's not true.
BREITBART: Okay, right….And I've stated, and I have….
STARK: You've asked the New York Times for a correction?
BREITBART: (pause) I don't think it matters…
FULL STORY, EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=7719