Edited on Mon Mar-01-10 04:59 PM by GreenTea
corporate fascist elite ideology & agenda - Fuck the workers!
Workers who worked many years that paid into a fund, if a worker does indeed loses their job that there is a safety net.....
This unemployment being forced on the workers by the same greedy corporations who incompetently put us in this economic down-slide while the corporations profit, it's the workers who pay for the corporate scams, incompetency & greed, in jobs & benefit losses as well as the corporations stealing of our tax dollars.
Worker are only peasants, peons, pawns, disposables in republicans eyes, worker deserve nothing and should just shut the fuck up, and be happy that republican corporations even give them a job....
If republicans had their way workers would be forced to work for no pay, slaves just barely kept alive....there's always more workers to choose from.
This is republican ideology exposed - Republicans despise workers, hate unions that give worker a united voice, disdain unemployment insurance or any social program & safety net.
But if the corporations and rich want more tax cuts or subsides (corporate welfare) incentive programs & bailouts....the republicans come running to help the rich & corporations demanding legislation pass to help them....
Again republican Jim Bunning is no different than any other worker hating, elitist, corporate republican asshole....
If they are republicans they vote, follow and fight for republican ideology....which is simply corporations rights and privileges over workers rights & needs.