"The list of Democratic Senators who have pledged their support for the public option through reconciliation now stands at 30, including a majority of the Democratic caucus. It also now includes the senate's #2 Democrat, Dick Durbin.
Whether they mean it or not, Democratic Senators are approaching the point where they must deliver. It's not clear what the tipping point will be (40? 45? 50?), but with more than half the Senate Democratic caucus on the record supporting the public option through reconciliation, that tipping point is drawing nearer. Thanks to the unflagging efforts of the public option's supporters, Democratic Senators are running out of places to hide.
Undoubtedly, some Senators who signed the letter believe it's an easy way to symbolically signal solidarity with their progressive base without actually needing to deliver anything. But that view is a miscalculation: the progressive base expects action from those who say they support the public option. A signature on a letter is not enough, and the people who are following this issue understand it well enough to know that the only thing worse than a Democratic Senator who publicly opposes the public option is a Democratic Senator who publicly claims to support the public option, but privately doesn't do anything to pass it into law."