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Did GOP Rep Resign To Squelch Ethics Probe?

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-01-10 07:36 PM
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Did GOP Rep Resign To Squelch Ethics Probe?
Did GOP Rep Resign To Squelch Ethics Probe?
Justin Elliott | March 1, 2010, 3:00PM

Rep. Nathan Deal (R-GA), who is under investigation by the ethics committee for reportedly intervening with Georgia officials to preserve a lucrative business agreement with the state, announced today he is leaving Congress, effective next Monday.

Why did he do it?

Deal told supporters in a speech that he is resigning "to devote my full energies" to the campaign for Georgia governor. He is in the midst of a hard-fought Republican primary that will be decided in July.

But resigning from Congress also means the end of the investigations into Deal by the House ethics panel, and the Office of Congressional Ethics, Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics, tells TPMmuckraker. That's because once Deal steps down, he is no longer in the jurisdiction of the ethics committee.

Deal has denied wrongdoing in the case, which was sparked by an exposé in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution last August.

The thumbnail version of the ethics charges is that Deal and his chief of staff allegedly intervened with state officials to try to preserve a no-bid deal that handed Deal's auto inspection firm loads of state business. The company reportedly brought in $1.5 million from its work for Georgia between 2004 and 2008.

"I think Deal is probably resigning there can be no investigation that comes to a conclusion that he did something wrong," says Sloan.

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3waygeek Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-01-10 07:57 PM
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1. First Linder retires, now Deal resigns...
if this keeps up, there may not be any Georgia Republicans left by Election Day. :rofl:
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DCKit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-02-10 04:42 PM
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2. Isn't that always the case?
If not an ethics probe, a sex scandal, domestic abuse, drugs, criminal investigation, etc....

They don't retire 'cause they no longer enjoy the power and prestige of the office.
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