The fact of the matter is that the media continues to generally obscure the treasonous actions of Republicans in trying to bring our nation to its knees in order to achieve political benefit. Heck, the media lets Republicans get away with the talking point that somehow passing health care through reconciliation is undemocratic and improper. Where are the stories and the media outrage about Republicans setting a filibuster record.
The Republicans are doing their best to screw up government in order to make their case that government does not work. Sadly, with the media spouting right wing talking points, filibusters are seen as the new normal, and majority rule is being portrayed as tyranical by the press.
I guess we have the American people will have to vote Republican or they will bring this nation to its knees. Its domestic terrorism in D.C. with the corporate media as a co-conspirator. If the American people do not vote Republican in 2010, they will not confirm appointees vital to our National Security, will not approve bills funding basic services, will not vote to fund basic unemployment benefits. Basically, as Bunning said, if you don't vote Republican, then "tough shit."
You must blame the Democrats and vote for the Republicans or they will hurt you. The sad thing is that many folks ignore the treasonous acts taking place before thier eyes. Worse, some folks actually admire and celebrate these actions that undermine our democracy.
Given recent use of the filibuster by minority Republicans and the party's success in snarling the legislative process in this Congress, Democrats say the minority has gone way beyond just protecting its interests.
The frequency of filibusters — plus threats to use them — are measured by the number of times the upper chamber votes on cloture. Such votes test the majority's ability to hold together 60 members to break a filibuster.
In the 110th Congress of 2007-2008, with Republicans in the minority, there were a record 112 cloture votes. In the current session of Congress — the 111th — for all of 2009 and the first two months of 2010 the number already exceeds 40. The most the filibuster has been used when Democrats were in the minority was 58 times in the 106th Congress of 1999-2000.
During most of Obama's first year in office and for a few weeks this year, 58 Democratic senators and two Independents who normally vote with them held a filibuster-proof 60-seat majority in the Senate.