9/11, Tsunami in 2004/5, Haiti, Chile, etc.
There was no argument, there was only need.
Lives lost, buildings crumbled, people homeless, injured folks needing care.
Time after time I have seen both the right and the left (not politicians, talking people here) come together to help others.
For but a moment we forgot politics and pulled together to help one another.
It is the same message I often hear around the holidays.
How is it that we lose that same message each day now? So many here (and elsewhere) are suffering and need help and yet we get bogged down in the stupid stuff.
Do you think the poor are that way by choice? Do you think those without health care want to be without it? Do you think those without a job want to be unemployed? Are the homeless that way because they desire to be so?
Those suffering from depression - do you think they want that? How about those disabled and unable to work?
There are big tragedies that capture our news, as they should. They affect many people all at once. But there are also tragedies that affect many people that have nothing to do with the weather or wars or terrorist attacks - and they affect many more people each day than the things which make our news cycles.
Maybe because they are not spectacular. They did not involve crashes, wars, earthquakes, etc. But they still exist.
Our news, and our politicians, ignore these things because they don't involve rapidly evolving situations. Which is a shame.
Your slow suffering? It is ok, it only matters when it is something that the news can cover as it unfolds - like a car chase.
No wonder so many are disillusioned.