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Screw respecting these CLOWNS! Talk to them like they're frigging 4 yrs old

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
FourScore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-01-10 11:42 PM
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Screw respecting these CLOWNS! Talk to them like they're frigging 4 yrs old
Screw respecting these CLOWNS! Talk to them like they're frigging 4 yrs old
by MinistryOfTruth
Mon Mar 01, 2010 at 06:46:35 PM PST

...Your average Republican is a misinformed, low information voter who has been lied to so many times they can not tell up from down depending on the day. The idiots who sleepwalked through the "lost decade" of Bush years are masters of doublethink. Facts don't mean shit to these people, neither does reality. Frankly, I am tired of explaining myself to the crack pots and conspiracy theorists who dominate the Republican party along with the paid corporate shills who finance them and benefit the most from corporate Conservative rule. It is pointless. I would have better luck arguing with the dining room table, so instead, I am going to talk to hardcore conservatives like they are four years old.

Wingnut 4 yr old: I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!

Me: First STFU and clean up your room. Go grab a mop.

Wingnut 4 yr old: It's not FAIR Barry won! I want to be President too!

Me: No. Barry won, so Barry is in charge.

Wingnut 4 yr old: I'll hold my breath AND all of Barry's appointments! And I'll filibuster and block unemployment payments and kick and scream!

Me: Quit being a crybaby!

Wingnut 4 yr old: I want tax cuts for the rich AND a balanced budget

Me: You can't have both, and you just had tax cuts

Wingnut 4 yr old: Do it! Or I'll hold my breath AND all of Barry's appointments! And I'll filibuster and block unemployment payments and kick and scream!

Me: I don't care. Get your MOP and CLEAN YOUR ROOM.

Wingnut 4 yr old: I don't wanna go to my room! I am scared of the socialism, nazi's, fascist, Kenyans, commies, death panels and terrorists up there!

Me: Don't be such a chickenshit.

Wingnut 4 yr old: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA! I WANT MY TAX CUTS! I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK!!! And I'll hold my breath AND all of Barry's appointments! And I'll filibuster and block unemployment payments and kick and scream! And if not you are a Nazi, socialist, Kenyan . . . .

(Door slams in Wingnut 4 yr old's face)

Screw trying to reason with ignorance. It is a waste of time. These idiots are the 22% of Americans who thought Bush did a heckuvajob on 1/20/09. They will never get it. They suck at logic and reality, and everything they touch turns to EPIC FAIL.

I'm done with it, and I hope you are too. Conservatives deserve to sit at the kiddie table from now on, or at least until one of them starts acting like an adult. Until then they are all children and should be treated as such...!-Talk-to-them-like-theyre-frigging-4-yrs-old
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FourScore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-02-10 09:47 AM
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