Edited on Tue Mar-02-10 01:02 AM by scheming daemons
There was the February 2009 murder of George Tiller by a pro-life fanatic. There was the ambush shooting of 3 Pittsburgh police officers by a freeper in April, 2009. There was the shooting at the Holocaust Musuem in June by an extreme right nutjob in June, 2009. Then there was Joseph Stack two weeks ago.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there have been 75 acts of domestic right-wing terrorism in the United States since Obama's election.
In the past 14 months, we haven't seen an incident like Oklahoma City and Timothy McVeigh....
But we all know he's out there, the next McVeigh. Waiting... plotting...
And this is the Republican base, people. Remember that the next time you think there's no difference between Republicans and Democrats.
Democratic politicians are sometimes corrupt, sometimes spineless, and sometimes make mistakes. But for the most part, they're not evil. They generally have America's best interests at heart, even if they don't always act on it.
Republican politicians, for the most part, do NOT have America's best interests at heart and actively work against them.
The Democrats are to politics what Barney Fife was to police work.
But the Republicans are the cops that beat Rodney King, Denzel Washington's character in "Training Day", and Mark Fuhrman all wrapped in one.
Because the Democrats are not always up to the task does not make it the time to repeat the mistakes of 1994.
Because if we allow the Republicans to take congress back this time, we're empowering those next-generation Timothy McVeighs..... and Newt's congress will look like a liberal utopia compared to Boehner's.
Reject the Nader-ite lie that Democrats and Republicans are the same. They're not. Not even close.
One party's base consists of the poor, the working class, the minority, and the average schlub trying to make it through each day. The other party's base consists of whack jobs who consider Brown v Board of Education to be the beginning of the downfall of the country.