:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Please read before you unrec. I only say this because of the title. I would be tempted myself, if I could.
Your commander in chief needs you. For the good of the country, for the safety of the American people, and for the sake of your own patriotism, I am asking you to serve on the President's Intelligence Advisory Board.
— President Barack Obama
Here are six reasons why wiley ol' Dick Cheney might actually answer an Obama call to service:
1. Any true Machiavellian would follow Michael Corleone's dictum (often wrongly attributed to Sun Tzu) to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
2. Cheney, who once referred to waterboarding as "a no-brainer," would never have a better forum to deliver a snarling "you can't handle the truth" speech than a PIAB board at which the use of enhanced interrogation methods was debated.
3. No one knows better than Cheney the perils of manipulating intelligence. On the PIAB he could serve as a one-man Red Team guarding against the cherrypicking of intel or groupthink, the kind of behavior that might lead to, say, invading and occupying the wrong country.
4. Cheney would have to give up his rock-star appearances at conservative confabs—that includes being daughter Liz's arm candy at next year's CPAC convention. On the other hand, he'd have among the highest security clearances in the government, and thus access to an unlimited stream of raw intel with which to fuel Liz's scaremongering presidential run in 2012.
5. Granted, returning to the shadows means no more appearances on Fox News to warn of apocalyptic doom, and rail against the softies in the Obama administration. But on the PIAB, Cheney would have the power to investigate those lily-livered bureaucrats at the CIA to his dark heart's content.
6. PIAB and its members are cloaked in a warm blanket of secrecy, just the way Cheney likes his public service. They are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act; its obscurity will keep pesky reporters away. And Cheney could even go back to work at Halliburton, since PIAB members don't have to disclose their financial interests.