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Of no consequences and bad examples for our youth - our country's decline

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (1/22-2007 thru 12/14/2010) Donate to DU
NRaleighLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-02-10 06:36 AM
Original message
Of no consequences and bad examples for our youth - our country's decline
Edited on Tue Mar-02-10 06:45 AM by NRaleighLiberal
Is anyone really surprised at what we are seeing?

Nixon commits crimes and gets pardoned by Ford.
Bush* and Cheney and their cronies commit crimes (illegal war, murder, blowing CIA agent cover) and no one pays.
Each day on the "news" shows, "experts" (read paid pundits) spew and endless string of lies and they are rewarded with big paychecks and return trips - and the media treats their side and the truth equally.

So here we are in 2010 - and we've become "lawless" in terms of the ability to get away with any act, pretty much, and any lie - and in some circles one becomes a hero. We have a fraud being chosen as a VP candidate. And a false movement supported by lobbying money that is treated as legitimate.

I don't know about you, but looking back at the patterns, where we are should not be a surprise.

And when a good person like Obama comes along (not that he is perfect and without fault, but I truly do believe he is trying to do the right thing by the people), he is chastised, his approach put on par with the obstructive policies and lies coming from the right - and the media. Many of us here (me included) has been, and continue to be in some cases, frustrated at the time it is taking for HOPE and CHANGE. But the ground is not fertile - he can plant the seeds, and has indeed tried - but there is poison in the soil, and it is having a tough time taking. I don't think he will be able to reverse the culture, but he will do what he can. I don't know what will possibly take us as a people and point the country in a better direction, save an indescribable disaster that finally wakes people up.

In a world where Rush and Beck and Hannity can exist, spew their lies and their hatred and collect countless followers, can any of us be surprised at where are as a country?

Sorry - it is early, this is a sprawling mess - but I guess the point I am making is that we reap what we sow. And it is harvest time.
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tom_paine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-02-10 06:53 AM
Response to Original message
1. We have two choices left as a nation now, Far-Right Corporate Neofeudalism
Edited on Tue Mar-02-10 06:55 AM by tom_paine
or Ultra-Right "Populism" of the kind they had in Germany in the 1930s.

That's it. "The avalanche has begun, and it's too late for the pebbles to vote," someone once said.

Both choices of future will be horrific for anyone who thinks or deviates from the Busho-Corporate narrative, but then, that's just good old old human psychology and history rhyming along, repeating old pathologies dressed in shiny new snakeskin.

I wish it wasn't so, but now the outlines grow more obvious with the advent of Teabaggers and Oath Keepers, who's loony internal narrative makes Pat Buchanan seem a fountain of calm ream.

Obama will almost certainly be gone in 2013, because the Busho-Corporates need to move fast now that things are snowballing.

Will some bunch more ruthless co-opt the movement the Corporate Aristocrats started, making even the Corporate Aristocrats subservient to THEM?

Maybe. The Corporate Aristocrats have so much more sophisticated psychology and media delivery systems to channel Plebian Rage into safer channels.

If they even want to. They may have figured out that the world is likely going to have to shed billions of people during the upcoming multiple environmental catastrophes and so some form of Brutal RW Totalitarianism is the only system that can manage such a fate.

Which is why they are psychologically setting it up and have been for at least 40 years now.

Who knows? Maybe, this time, the spiritual descendants of the German Industrialists can "get it right" for themselves (and wrong for the bottom 90-99% of humanity) and BE their own Hitler this time.

It should be fascinating to watch. Right up until the time the Oath Keepers start shipping off the Liberals, Atheists, Environmentalists, Gays, Blacks, and the rest of the "Enemies of America".
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NRaleighLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-02-10 08:30 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. All I know is I am glad I am 54 instead of 14 or 24.
I think people my age will get to see plenty of shit hitting fan, but nothing compared with what will follow. As my 28 year old daughter reminds me!
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BeFree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-02-10 08:53 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. But...
...there is the outside chance that the people will see that the corpo-fascists are a failure. Methinks the TB groups are at root cognizant of that truth.

But who is there to lead them if/when they do? Americans are followers.

Maybe we need a movie star of our own? Nah.
Obama is as good as we'll get.

It should be fascinating to watch. Heh, it is already.
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