The things we are doing, which may or may not be (although i think they are)causing climate changes, are killing animals, poisoning our water, contaminating our soils...
I posted the following in the environmental forum a bit ago. Seems relevant here.
To myself personally, it matters not a whit which it is. I KNOW my behavior has been irresponsible
I know my behavior causes too much waste.
I know my behavior causes dead zones and garbage dumps in the ocean.
I know animals die from the production and disposal wrought from my lifestyle.
I know that mountains are raped in an effort to feed my unnecessary energy hunger.
I know that those in extreme poverty are suffering and dying from lack of clean drinking water while i consume water from bottles taken from their clean water sources while i live right next door to one of the largest fresh water sources in the world.
I know that the chemicals released from the production of...take your pick, TV, tennis shoes, computer, iPod, releasing toxic chemicals into the water, air and soil which ALL LIFE depends on.
I know that my van is not more necessary in getting me from point a to point b than a smaller vehicle which would add less pollution to the air my family needs to breathe.
I know that easy food from long distances has desensitized me to natures seasonal hunger. I want, not need, strawberries and bananas in winter. This has caused a greater global production strain on small regional areas.
I know that nearly every single resource in the world is suffering, dying or being depleted by our extreme gluttony, greed, vanity, arrogance...
Truth be told, i don't understand what difference it really makes whether or not one believes that the weather changes are human induced or not. We KNOW our behavior is certainly not helping. We know that we are killing the planet, if not through weather changes, than certainly through other destructive means. The list above could go on.
Here is bigger picture for you...Coming together to change the things we KNOW we are doing that harm the planet and life on it, and the weather debate would be fairly mute. We have so much to account for that it melts my brain to see that mankind would rather debate this issue than do what we can to change what we can while we can. Meanwhile everything suffocates, starves, drowns and dies in our sickening amount of waste.
The consequences of doing nothing are too great.