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GOP Senators’ Votes On Reconciliation

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kpete Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-02-10 09:57 AM
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GOP Senators’ Votes On Reconciliation
GOP Senators’ Votes On Reconciliation

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 (87 to 7)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor of bill
1) McCain
2) Lugar
3) Grassley
4) Bond
5) Specter (now a D)
6) Hatch

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (54 to 45)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor of bill (the Second vote)
1) Lugar
2) Bond
3) Specter (now a D)

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (passed 50 to 50)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor of bill (the Second vote)

Balanced Budget Act of 1995 (passed 52 to 47)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor of bill (the Second vote)
1) Shelby
2) Kyl
3) McCain
4) Lugar
5) Grassley
6) McConnell
7) Snowe
8 ) Bond
9) Gregg
10) Inhofe
11) Specter (now a D)
12) Hutchison
13) Bennett
14) Hatch

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (passed 78 to 21)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor of bill (the Second vote)
1) Shelby
2) Kyl
3) McCain
4) Lugar
5) Grassley
6) McConnell
7) Snowe
8 ) Bond
9) Gregg
10) Inhofe
11) Specter (now a D)
12) Hutchison
13) Bennett
14) Hatch

Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (passed 85 to 15)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor of bill (the Second vote)
1) Shelby
2) Kyl
3) McCain
4) Lugar
5) Grassley
6) Brownback
7) Roberts
8 ) McConnell
9) Collins
10) Snowe
11) Bond
12) Gregg
13) Specter (now a D)
14) Hutchison
15) Bennett
16) Hatch

Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 (passed 92 to 8 )
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor of bill (the Second vote)
1) Sessions
2) Shelby
3) Kyl
4) McCain
5) Lugar
6) Grassley
7) Brownback
8 ) Roberts
9) McConnell
10) Collins
11) Snowe
12) Bond
13) Gregg
14) Inhofe
15) Specter (now a D)
16) Hutchison
17) Bennett
18) Hatch
19) Enzi

Taxpayer Refund and Relief Act of 1999 (50 to 49)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor of bill (the Second vote)
1) Sessions
2) Shelby
3) Kyl
4) McCain
5) Crapo
6) Lugar
7) Grassley
8 ) Brownback
9) Roberts
10) Jim Bunning
11) Mitch McConnell
12) Collins
13) Snowe
14) Gregg
15) Voinovich
16) Inhofe
17) Specter (now D)
18) Hutchison
19) Bennett
20) Hatch
21) Enzi

Marriage Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2000 (60 to 34)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor:
1) Jeff Sessions
2) Richard Shelby
3) Jon Kyl
4) John McCain
5) Michael Crapo
6) Richard Lugar
7) Charles Grassley
8 ) Samuel Brownback
9) Pat Roberts
10) Jim Bunning
11) Mitch McConnell
12) Susan Collins
13) Olympia Snowe
14) Christopher Bond
15) Judd Gregg
16) James Inhofe
17) Arlen Specter (now D)
18) Kay Hutchison
19) Robert Bennett
20) Orrin Hatch
21) Michael Enzi

Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (58 to 33)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor (Second Vote)
1) Sessions
2) Shelby
3) Kyl
4) Crapo
5) Lugar
6) Grassley
7) Brownback
8 ) Roberts
9) Bunning
10) McConnell
11) Collins
12) Snowe
13) Bond
14) Ensign
15) Gregg
16 Voinovich
17) Inhofe
18) Specter (now D)
19) Hutchison
20) Bennett
21) Hatch
22) Enzi

Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (50 to 50)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor (Second Vote)
1) Sessions
2) Shelby
3) Lisa Murkowski
4) Kyl
5) Crapo
6) Lugar
7) Grassley
8 ) Brownback
9) Roberts
10) Bunning
11) McConnell
12) Collins
13) Bond
14) Ensign
15) Gregg
16 Voinovich
17) Inhofe
18) Specter (now D)
19) Graham
20) Alexander
21) Cornyn
22) Hutchison
23) Bennett
24) Hatch
25) Enzi

Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (52 to 47)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor
1) Sessions
2) Shelby
3) Murkowski
4) Kyl
5) McCain
6) Martinez
7) Isakson
8 ) Crapo
9) Lugar
10) Grassley
11) Brownback
12) Roberts
13) Bunning
14) McConnell
15) Vitter
16) Bond
17) Ensign
18) Gregg
19) Burr
20) Voinovich
21) Coburn
22) Inhofe
23) DeMint
24) Graham
25) Alexander
26) Cornyn
27) Hutchison
28) Bennett
29) Hatch
30) Enzi

Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 (54 to 44)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor (Second Vote)
1) Sessions
2) Shelby
3) Murkowski
4) Kyl
5) McCain
6) Martinez
7) Isakson
8 ) Crapo
9) Lugar
10) Grassley
11) Brownback
12) Roberts
13) Bunning
14) McConnell
15) Vitter
16) Collins
17) Bond
18) Ensign
19) Gregg
20) Burr
21) Coburn
22) Inhofe
23) DeMint
24) Graham
25) Thune
26) Alexander
27) Cornyn
28) Hutchison
29) Bennett
30) Hatch
31) Enzi

College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007 (79 to 12)
Republicans still in Congress Voting in Favor (Second Vote)
1) Sessions
2) Shelby
3) Murkowski
4) Kyl
5) Martinez
6) Isakson
7) Crapo
8 ) Lugar
9) Grassley
10) Brownback
11) Collins
12) Snowe
13) Ensign
14) Voinovich
15) Thune
16) Alexander
17) Corker
18) Cornyn
19) Hutchison
20) Bennett
21) Hatch
22) Barrasso
23) Enzi
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spanone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-02-10 09:59 AM
Response to Original message
1. k&r
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global1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-02-10 10:05 AM
Response to Original message
2. Why Don't The Dems Use Specter (now a D) To Call Out The Regressive's (formerly Repug's) On This?...
Seems to me that because Specter was one of them that he might carry some credibility if he said something like - wait a minute guys - when I was one of you - we used reconciliation for a number of votes. I voted for reconciliation then and it's my right as a Senator to vote for reconciliation now.

Any chance that something like this could work or at least be picked up by the cable media>?
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