Posted by Zandar
The Republican mask has fallen off. They've pretended to care about America's working-class families but in the end the Estate Tax is calling, and GOP Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona is more than happy to help Kentucky GOP Sen. Jim Bunning continue to throw the unemployed under the bus.
Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, the Republican whip, argued that unemployment benefits dissuade people from job-hunting "because people are being paid even though they're not working."
Unemployment insurance "doesn't create new jobs. In fact, if anything, continuing to pay people unemployment compensation is a disincentive for them to seek new work," Kyl said during debate over whether unemployment insurance and other benefits that expired amid GOP objections Sunday should be extended.
"I'm sure most of them would like work and probably have tried to seek it, but you can't argue that it's a job enhancer. If anything, as I said, it's a disincentive. And the same thing with the COBRA extension and the other extensions here," said Kyl.
You get that, unemployed people in red states? You're just f'ckin lazy. You should have found a job that paid far less than your old job already, and then worked two of them. Why are you so lazy?
Dem. Sen Dick Durbin of course comes back with the truth: there are no extra jobs.