Edited on Tue Mar-02-10 12:34 PM by tom_paine
Turn up the volume for Far-Right and Uber-Rightists.
Turn down the volume for Leftists.
Cover up real crimes and gaffes of Far-Right and Uber-Rightists.
Trumpet false accusations with barely whispered retractions against Leftists.
I never thought I'd live to see our nation enslaved to the same kind of Orwellian-Double-Standard and delusion on the same level as the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany.
But make no mistake, it IS so.
Like the Swiftboat lies getting millions, maybe billions in free publicity from the Corporate M$M/RW Lie Machine Fusion fora $100,000 ad buy with false allegations easily refuted by people who were THERE.
George Orwell, meet 21st Century America.
21st Century America, meet Inverted Totalitarianism, your Master from here until either collapse or more classical Uber-Right Nazi/Bircher style Totalitarianism takes it's place.