February 2, 2010, 3:39 pm War, Peace and Oscars
Apocryphal history and bombastic entertainment are strange bedfellows, as Quentin Tarantino showed in “Inglourious Basterds,” but not as strange, perhaps, as the twin interests of Lawrence Bender, a producer of that movie. Mr. Bender was in Paris at a nuclear disarmament conference when he heard the news that “Basterds” had nabbed eight Oscar nominations, via a phone call from his mom.
“My BlackBerry starting buzzing, and I’m sitting here between different ambassadors and different C.I.A. people,” he said, “so it was pretty awesome.” (Sorry, Mom: He didn’t pick up.)
Mr. Bender, also a producer of “An Inconvenient Truth,” was at the conference promoting a documentary that he made about nuclear disarmament, “Countdown to Zero,” which received good notices at Sundance. The disparity between that message and Mr. Tarantino’s ultra-violent oeuvre (Mr. Bender also produced “Pulp Fiction”) didn’t seem to bother him. “The two things that I love,” he said, “are making a difference in the world and making movies.”,%202010&st=cse