(or most of it):
"How Reagan ruined conservatism" by Gideon Rachman
Financial Times (London), March 1 2010
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/d640855c-256a-11df-9cdb-00144feab49a.html"Battling my way through Sarah Palin’s book, Going Rogue, last weekend, I began to wonder how American conservatism had come to this. Ms Palin’s book is smug, lightweight, nationalistic, entirely free of original ideas. How has this woman become the darling of the American right? How has she become so popular that some bookmakers make her the favourite to win the Republican party nomination in 2012? ...
"The most damaging idea propagated by the Reagan myth is the cult of the idiot-savant (the wise fool). You can see it in the very first line of Dinesh D’Souza’s admiring biography of Reagan, which proclaims: Sometimes it really helps to be a dummy. Mr D’Souza recounts numerous stories in which intellectuals – even conservative intellectuals – disdained Reagan. They scorned his tendency to spend cabinet meetings sorting jelly beans into different colours, and his taste for flaky anecdotes. ...
"Reagan was apparently stupid and often startlingly ignorant – but he was vindicated by history. Therefore, goes the theory, ignorance and stupidity are good signs. They show that a politician is in tune with the deeper wisdom of the people. Once you start thinking like that, it is but a short step to Sarah Palin."
Above are excerpts from Rachman's op-ed piece. Follow the link for the rest of it.
I think Rachman is wrong in blaming W and Palin on Reagan. Most conservatives were intellectual lightweights long before Reagan became president. (William F. Buckley was the exception that proved the rule.)