I don't even know what to say-this is the concern they show for people who are hurting, and other Americans actually buy into this? THIS is standing strong for the American people? :crazy:
http://mediamatters.org/research/201003020021Right-wing media praise Bunning for blocking worker pay, relief to unemployed
4 hours and 13 minutes ago — 144 Comments
Carlson: "{H}e's taking a stand, and I'm all for that." On the March 2 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends, co-host Gretchen Carlson said of Bunning: "I propose to you that this is what a lot of the people in the American public want their politicians to do right now. Speak your own convictions for God's sake. ... You disagree with something? Don't worry about all the other backlog kind of stuff going on." She continued, "{I}f this is what he believes, he's taking a stand, and I'm all for that."
Ingraham expresses support for Bunning. On the March 2 edition of Fox & Friends, Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham said, "I promise you, if you poll tested that Bunning statement across this country, people would be standing up and cheering him and saying, 'We need more people like Jim Bunning.' " Co-host Steve Doocy said Bunning's "point is, look, we are out of money. How are we going to pay for this stuff?" while co-host Brian Kilmeade claimed that "there is a lot of other people who maybe are on the rolls that don't want to get off the rolls because they know it's going to be extended because it's politically unpopular to stop it."
Baier: Bunning "taking a position that millions of American families have to live by." Introducing a report on Bunning during the March 1 edition of Fox News' Special Report, host Bret Baier said: "The idea of buying only the things you can actually pay for hasn't been a big seller in Washington for decades. And right now, one Republican senator is catching all kinds of grief for taking a position that millions of American families have to live by."
NewsBusters: Bunning "stood up last week for principle." In a March 2 NewsBusters post, Brent Baker wrote: "A retiring Senator not facing re-election stood up last week for principle, insisting new federal spending be covered by a matching reduction elsewhere, but instead of hailing Senator Jim Bunning as a 'maverick' making sure the ruling party adheres to its promise new spending will be 'paid for,' television network journalists on Monday night painted him as an ogre, focusing on the presumed victims of delayed spending."
Limbaugh mocks concern for furloughed workers"Oh my God, this is the worst thing that's ever ... " On the March 1 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh said: "Now, who knew? Who knew? But if you look at this story, folks, this is the worst thing that could have ever happened. Two-thousand federal workers are going to be furloughed, and there might be a delay in some unemployment benefits being paid. Oh my God, this is the worst thing that's ever -- who knew, folks, that one lone senator from the minority party could wreak so much damage to our economy?" Limbaugh later said, "Unemployment advocates are calling for Jim Bunning to be removed from the Baseball Hall of Fame."
National Review: "Democrats were outraged" by Bunning, "but why?" In a February 27 National Review Online blog post entitled, "Senator Bunning's Unappreciated Gifts," former National Review economics editor and Cato Institute senior fellow Alan Reynolds wrote: "Sen. Jim Bunning (R., Ky.) blocked 'extended' unemployment benefits beyond their scheduled expiration on February 27. That thwarted bill would also have put off, again, a scheduled 21 percent cut in Medicare payments to physicians. Democrats were outraged. But why?" Reynolds claimed the "evidence is overwhelming" that "extending unemployment benefits from six months to nearly two years has raised the unemployment rate by a percentage point or two," and asked, "
ow can possibly object to saving money sooner rather than later?"
Erickson: "God bless Senator Bunning. His filibuster is going to put government bureaucrats out of jobs! Hallelujah." In a March 1 Red State post offering support to Kentucky congressional candidate Rand Paul, Erick Erickson wrote: "The point of supporting Rand Paul was driven home to me last Thursday night as Senator Bunning launched a one man filibuster against the Democrats. He came under relentless attack and even his own Republican Party would barely come to his aid (kudos to Bob Corker (R-TN))." Erickson said Paul was a "senator who was his own man, like Senator Bunning." Further, in a February 26 Twitter post, Erickson wrote, "God bless Senator Bunning. His filibuster is going to put government bureaucrats out of jobs! Hallelujah."
RedState blogger: Bunning "standing strong for the American people." RedState blogger "hogan" wrote in a February 26 post: "Last night, while most Americans were watching the Olympics, Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) was standing strong for the American people on the floor of the United States Senate. Oh, it won't be portrayed as such -- believe me." The post further stated: "Bunning took to the floor to object to a unanimous consent request to call up and pass the House-passed extension of a number of expiring so-called 'stimulus' and other benefit programs, because Bunning dared to ask the simple question of how these extensions would be paid for."