http://gawker.com/5483941/a-mexican-could-never-get-his-hands-on-the-new-york-times-says-old-man-murdoch?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+gawker%2Ffull+%28Gawker%29&utm_content=My+Yahoo'A Mexican' Could Never Get His Hands on the New York Times, Says Old Man Murdoch
Rupert Murdoch, the News Corp. boss, reportedly doesn't believe New York Times will sell itself any time soon, "least of all to a Mexican" like Carlos Slim. But Murdoch doesn't mean that racially, see.
"I don't mean that racialy - he's just too sensitive and smart to do it," Murdoch said, according to Reuters reporter Yinka Adegoke's Twitter stream, which also carried Murdoch's initial comment. Wait, who's too sensitive, Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr., or Carlos Slim, billionaire scheming Mexican? With New York's Gabriel Sherman closing out that profile about how Murdoch is losing his grip, the media baron had better rush out a bizarre denial, just like he did after agreeing that Barack Obama is a racist. Or say the Times executives are racist, for refusing to immediately sell to Carlos Slim. That will throw the bleeding hearts for a loop.
Send an email to Ryan Tate, the author of this post, at ryan@gawker.com.
http://gawker.com/5483893/the-story-of-mort-zuckerman-vanity-publisher-and-would+be-senator?skyline=true&s=iThe Story of Mort Zuckerman, Vanity Publisher and Would-be Senator
.... Considering that Mort has made his career on what have turned out to be the two most disastrous industries (real estate; media) in America, he may be seeking a government post just for a steady paycheck and a rock-solid pension plan. (Which would be more than he affords his Daily News employees—Mort killed pensions a while back and stopped contributing to their 401(k)s altogether last year). ....
Depending on who's asking and and when, Mort is either a "longtime Democrat" or a "conservative Democrat" or a "moderate Conservative." What he actually is is basically a rich New York Republican. ....
He's donated more cash to Democrats than Republicans, especially since purchasing the (inconsistently) liberal populist Daily News. He voted for Obama. He also voted for Bush in 2004. He had a hard-on for toppling Saddam.
You can't really summarize his politics, because, by most conventional measures, they are incoherent—and he always tailors his message to his perceived audience. Wayne Barrett does a heroic job of of detailing just how incoherent Mort is on every issue of current import. ....
He's consistent on a couple issues, though—like Israel, which can do no wrong. He's hawkish, pro-settler, and doesn't actually really understand the issues involved beyond "Jews good, Arabs bad." (Which can lead to embarrassing, uncorrected errors.) That is not an unconventional opinion in New York politics, as you may have noticed.
Generally, Mort fancies himself a public intellectual. His Lexington Ave office is like a massive library. It also houses the person who writes the words credited to the famous Public Intellectual Mort Zuckerman. Mort just calls in and rambles to this ghost for a while, and Harry Evans eventually edits it into something readable. (And sometimes it ends up in Tina Brown's Daily Beast.) ....
Send an email to Alex Pareene, the author of this post, at alexp@gawker.com.
http://gawker.com/5483802/roger-ailes-is-a-self+loathing-liberal?skyline=true&s=iRoger Ailes Is a Self-Loathing Liberal
.... Roger Ailes, corpulent prick and president of Fox News, has come out of the closet as a liberal who opposes the war in Afghanistan and thinks wearing lapel pins to prove that you care about something is shallow.
In a 7-minute interview with the National Review Online's Peter Robinson that was posted this morning, Ailes casually undermined the point of Fox News and acknowledged that much of what it peddles to "real Americans" in "the heartland" is just calculated rhetoric that he's not stupid enough to actually believe. The q-and-a is a maddening parade of hypocrisy and inconsistency, and demands a close reading. We'll start with the bit of video above, in which Ailes presents a cogent case for why it's unreasonable to infer from the lack of a pin signifying support a given cause on a person's lapel that the person therefore doesn't support said cause: ....
That of course is Barack Obama, explaining in 2007 why he agrees with Roger Ailes, the president of Fox News, that wearing lapel pins in support of a given value is a poor substitute for actually supporting the value. Ailes is has clearly lost control over the news organization he nominally runs, though, because Fox News spent most of 2007 and 2008 wondering why doesn't Barack Obama wear an American flag on his lapel???? ....
Aside from his reference to "the nuclear issue," which is utterly unrelated to Obama's stated goal of waging war in Afghanistan to wipe out the Taliban and Al Qaeda, Ailes' analysis is essentially identical to Arianna Huffington's—we are escalating a war that we cannot win because there's no definition of winning—and diametrically opposed to virtually every utterance on the subject of Afghanistan that his network has ever broadcast.
But it's OK—Ailes' reasonable and nuanced views on matters of important public debate don't have to align with the radically oversimplified and barely veiled political attacks he issues every day. He knows his audience, and he knows that they want straight-sounding talk about America without all the talking and chitter-chatter and thinking that goes on on the coasts. He may have escaped from the desperate heartland of Warren, Ohio, and he may be educated and intelligent enough to hold complicated views, but he's still one of them: ....
That's what Ailes and his allies mean when they always say liberals "just don't get it" when it comes to Fox News. It's just a joke. Getting angry at Ailes for operating a political war-room with the implicit aim of deceiving the same "real Americans" they endlessly valorize is like getting pissed off at Larry David for being a Dick to Wanda Sykes on HBO. Laugh it off, kids. He'll take you to lunch some time.
Send an email to the author of this post at john@gawker.com.