Gov. Paterson’s OathGov. David Paterson gave New Yorkers his “personal oath” on Friday that he had never abused his office. It now seems clear that, at the very least, he tried to arrange a ham-handed cover-up to avert a scandal involving a top aide. There are also disturbing signs that he or other state officials may have unlawfully intervened to protect the aide from accusations of domestic violence.
Either would be a gross abuse of office. Mr. Paterson has failed to account for his actions.
If he can show that he did no wrong, he must do so fully and immediately. If not, he should resign.The tale is sordid. The governor’s aide, David Johnson, is accused by his former girlfriend, Sherr-una Booker, of attacking her last Halloween. Ms. Booker obtained two orders of protection against him. In her first court appearance, she said that the State Police had tried to stop her from going to court. The judge noted bruises on her arms.
This is the slim accounting the governor and his staff members have offered after The Times first reported on this case: The governor talked to Ms. Booker on the telephone to express his support, after she called him, and had no other involvement.