OK, so Part I explained what precipitated the firings:
Rule changes by Arne Duncan: any district which wanted to apply for the Title 1 School Improvement Grant now had to close or charterize 5% of its schools, or fire their teachers & principals, or fire the principal & force the teachers to compete against each other for shiny little carrots.
Now let's look at the timeline of events, because it raises questions.
Dec. 10, 2009:
Duncan's rule change on Title 1 School Improvement Grants (SIG) + public comment published in the federal register:
http://www2.ed.gov/legislation/FedRegister/finrule/2009-4/121009a.pdfDec. 15, 2009:
Ed publishes application for SIG grant (date at bottom of link):
http://www2.ed.gov/programs/sif/applicant.htmlDec. 18, 2009:
ED issues guidance on SIG, including procedures for identifying the persistently lowest-achieving schools. (Starting point for application is state ed commissioner's ID of targeted schools & explanation of how state will implement the federal guidelines:
http://www2.ed.gov/programs/sif/guidance-20091218.doc January 7, 2010:
The R.I. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (RIDE) issues its Protocol for Interventions: Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools, explaining how RIDE will implement the federal guidance.
http://www.wpri.com/dpp/news/central-falls-high-school-state-intervention-timelineNOTE: AMAZINGLY QUICK WORK BY THOSE GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRATS, EH? In less than 3 weeks, during the xmas/new years' holidays, no less, the state develops & publishes its protocol. Even before the Feds have issued all their admendments & addendums to the rules, Rhode Island has the process all worked out & published.
January 11, 2010:
Education Commissioner Deborah A. Gist identifies five Providence schools and Central Falls High School as the persistently lowest-achieving schools in Rhode Island. These schools are subject to state intervention, and the superintendents have 45 (business) days to convene a stakeholder group and select one of the models for school reform.
NOTE: If this 45 business days = from Jan 11th, that would put the deadline around March 17. HOWEVER, the deadline for the SIG grant application is earlier: Feb 8.
NOTE: Gist is reported to be "one of the first, if not the first" to complete this process:
http://www.projo.com/ri/centralfalls/content/central_falls_turmoil_02-28-10_TQHGS9N_v292.38b0e26.htmlJan 21, 2010:
Updated Guidance on School Improvement Grants issued.
http://www2.ed.gov/programs/sif/index.html January 28, 2010:
Amendment to Final Requirements for School Improvement Grants
http://www2.ed.gov/programs/sif/index.htmlFeb 2, 2010:
Addendum #1 to Updated Guidance on SIG
http://www2.ed.gov/programs/sif/index.html February 8, 2010:
Deadline for Title 1 SIG application: "Applications are due on or before February 8, 2010."
Go to p. 5 of application here:
http://www2.ed.gov/programs/sif/applicant.html February 1-5, 2010:
Gallo plans to fire teachers become public:
"Feb. 1-5, 2010: Gallo and union leaders are unable to reach an agreement on pay issues for the extra work. She says the failure is forcing her to switch to a reform model that calls for firing all teachers at the high school."
http://www.projo.com/education/content/central_falls_teachers.1_02-13-10_A8HEI7Q_v61.3a65218.html.Feb. 9, 2010:
"During a packed meeting, Gallo gives the teachers’ union more time to agree on her original plan (supposedly the "transformation" model, where only the principal is fired).
NOTE: This is the day after the SIG application deadline.
Feb. 12, 2010:
"Talks fail; Gallo proceeds with across-the-board firing plan."
"Central Falls School Superintendent Frances Gallo informs Commissioner Gist that she has selected the turnaround model, which requires the district to screen and evaluate all current staff and rehire no more than 50 percent."
NOTE: I think it's doubtful this is the first Gist heard of it, as these issues are part of the SIG application.
http://www.projo.com/education/content/central_falls_teachers.1_02-13-10_A8HEI7Q_v61.3a65218.htmlhttp://www.wpri.com/dpp/news/central-falls-high-school-state-intervention-timelineFeb 18, 2010:
Gallo sends letter to Central Falls teachers "telling them that she is 'recommending that your teaching contract be terminated at the close of the 2009-2010 school year.'"
http://newsblog.projo.com/2010/02/central-falls-high-school-teac.html.Feb. 23, 2010:
At a packed meeting, school board votes to fire & teachers are asked to stand for public humiliation as their names are read.
http://www.projo.com/ri/centralfalls/content/central_falls_gallo_02-25-10_7JHIJHB_v81.3a63368.html First conclusion: any talks with union reps before Gallo made the initial decision to fire occurred between January 11 & February 1-5. This is a period of 2 to 3 weeks.
How many meetings were there? Published reports say three:
"Gallo and Central Falls Teachers’ Union President Jane Sessums, an elementary school teacher, met three times to negotiate.
Both parties initially agreed that transformation — the only model that protected teachers’ jobs — was the best approach for the high school."
http://www.projo.com/ri/centralfalls/content/central_falls_turmoil_02-28-10_TQHGS9N_v292.38b0e26.htmlIf you've never been involved in a formal negotiation, here's how it goes:
Meeting 1: Team A presents their demands. Team B goes home to discuss & formulate its counter.
Meeting 2: Team B presents its counter. Team A goes home to discuss & formulate its response.
Meeting 3: Team A presents its response. Generally, it's to concede a little if B will also concede something.
Are you starting to see some problems with the media narrative on this story?
More to follow in Part 3.