Published March 03 2010
By: Vernon Huseby, Fargo
I am an old man, and I have never seen so much furor raised over any national issue as the proposed healthcare plan.
I was the youngest of a large family, and we had a lot of health problems. It was before the days of Medicare and health insurance. We spent an inordinate amount of money, and it kept us broke for many years. So I know the difficulties of health care costs, and I am in favor of a plan that includes a public option.
We are bombarded with propaganda against the plan, and I am told that it is paid for mainly by the pharmaceutical and insurance companies. I feel that they are largely responsible for our present predicament.
We have friends who were raised in Germany, England and Norway and they all speak well of national medicine.
I have heard the plan called socialism. I think it is more like Christianity. We profess to be a nation under God. If this was true, we should act a little more accordingly. When Jesus Christ was on Earth, he helped the poor and unfortunate and he admonished us to do the same.I have paid a lot of taxes in my time. A lot of it, I know, has gone to corporate welfare. I will never complain about some of my tax dollars going to the unfortunate. do some they think socialism so bad, yet "Love" Jesus? What kind of mangled thinking produces that mind set?