Their very first show was about future medical procedures. But they went into the potential costs of insurance -- 25 per cent of your annual income. AND, they also had a storyline about a man who was in an accident and needed to get his artificial heart replaced. They grew him a new one -- BUT --
The insurance company investigated the hours before his accident, and supposedly had urine samples from that time frame, as well as samples taken at the hospital. Evidently they did not match, and then the insurance company went into his HOUSE to check on something. Long story short - they decided he had been drinking alcohol and they CANCELLED his insurance on the spot! His new heart was sitting in a tank, and they immediately sent him down to a ward called NI (non-insured), and all the procedures they had lined up to fix him were cancelled.
They then did this little dramatic *bit* about the doctor pulling some shit to get him into an operating room, etc. I suppose this was thrown in to lessen the jolt of what was done to this guy, but it left me with the heebie jeebies!
If anything -- this show is a frightening glimpse at our future if we don't get NATIONAL UNIVERSAL healthcare!
Insurance companies becoming so powerful -- so INTRUSIVE -- that they can go through the trashcans in your home? JAYSUS H. CHRIST on a CRACKER! And then to CANCEL the guy when he's HALF fixed?
If you get a chance try to watch this show. It's the very first installment. While the goodies of the future are pretty cool -- that one bit will scare the crap out of you.