From last night AC 360 - Erick Erickson, who is the managing editor of, the largest online community of conservative activists, and Roland Martin discussed unemployment benefits and Mr. Erickson spoke on how he believes people are using them to go on "a little vacation" and "there are other ways they can get some money and help themselves out." So, Erick, in the end, who benefited from this? Did the Democrats get the hit that they hoped to get? Did -- did -- you know, Republicans, did they -- by -- by not supporting Jim Bunning, did they, you know, not come out of this looking bad?
ERICKSON: You know, I think that probably the Democrats will benefit a little more.
Sadly, the people who are going to benefit most are the ones who are going to able to collect unemployment benefits for -- some more, instead of having to go out and look for a job. MARTIN: Oh, you know what? You know what, Erick? That is a trifling comment to say.
ERICKSON: I think it's dead on.
MARTIN: No, hold on, hold on. Erick, one second.
Erick, you have you a job. I have a job. Anderson has a job. But I know many people who would love to work, who work in Detroit, who work in Oakland, who work in New York, in L.A. who would love to be able to go get a job.
And I think it is wrong for people like you to denigrate those who would love to work.
MARTIN: But, Erick, it's a reality. Some folks are in a situation where they have gone six, 9, 12, 15 months...
ERICKSON: And there are some folks who are still collecting unemployment benefits, when they don't need them. And that's part of Bunning's objection. (CROSSTALK)
MARTIN: No, no, no.
ERICKSON: You know, I don't think it's a coincidence that the states that pay the least amount of unemployment benefits over time have the lowest unemployment. When we keep subsidizing the behavior, the behavior continues. MARTIN: Let me be clear. Again, though, you can -- that's a nice little line, but there are people who are Republicans, who are Democrats, who are independents, people who don't even affiliate with a party who are unemployed.
And I think you insult Americans when you suggest that those getting unemployment benefits don't want to go get a job. ERICKSON: Look, you know, the unemployment stories are tragic, but so is the deficit for our children and grandchildren. At some point, we are going to have to fish or cut bait on the serious issues.
MARTIN: Well, then you know what? I pray you God you get in a situation where you have to ask for unemployment benefits if you can't get a job.
ERICKSON: Well, you know, I appreciate that, but, again, there are people -- in fact, I was talking to a golf course owner the other day who has members of his golf course applying for jobs at his golf course that he knows they are not going to do just because they want to keep getting their unemployment benefits and have a little more vacation. Until the government comes up with regulations that can stop people from cheating on unemployment, we are going to keep having these situations.
MARTIN: Fine. Call those out, but don't you sit here and say all the folks who are getting it somehow don't want to go to work. Many folks want to go to work, and they do not like having to apply for those unemployment benefits.
ERICKSON: I think there are -- there are other ways they can get some money and help themselves out.
MARTIN: OK, like what? Like what? .........
This is what the Repub's do best - talk to the base - no help for anyone in their little minds! They seem to forget these people have worked to get these benefits and it was their policies that put them where the unemployed find themselves now!