heads toward disaster
OUR OPINION: Region's leaders need to act
(lede) "What little is left of Venezuela's democracy has taken a literal beating from President Hugo Chávez's uniformed goon squads -- again."blah-blah-blah.
You just can't believe that there can be so much disinformation, lying, distortion and untruth in one article. It boggles the mind!
But one thing that articles like this are useful for, is they give you a clear path to the truth. Rule of thumb: whatever a rightwing/corpo-fascist asserts, the opposite is true. I used this rule on the Bush Junta and it turned out to be infallible. And I've found that it is also useful in assessing Bushwhack sources in general, corpo-fascist 'news' sources, Pentagon statements, U.S. State Department statements, and other heavily corporate and frequently unreliable, lying sources of info. It is a good guide. Whatever they say, reverse it in your mind, and that is probably the truth--and work from that premise to find out the whole truth, if you can't guess the rest by peering into the black holes where information should be, reading between the lines and utilizing what you already know from history and current events.
In this case, we know that Milton Friedman fucked Chile up so badly, in every way imaginable, that it has taken decades of leftist government to recover and to reach its current fairly well off economic position and social stability. So we can tag this source for future reference. Whatever this writer asserts in the future, presume the opposite and you will be very close to, and maybe even right on, the truth. It saves time.
More sophisticated liars, like the New York Slimes and the BBCons, take more effort. With those, it helps to study their corporate/war profiteer agendas over time to see what the long term program is. The Slimes messed up on the WMDs in Iraq. That was worthy of the Miami Hairball. They really, really, REALLY wanted that war and couldn't contain themselves and printed goddamned lies day after day. We should never forget watching their bloodlust and greed leak out from the ink, in that instance, despite their generally more skillful propaganda. You can't always directly reverse what they assert and get the truth. You have to dig deeper. But, in any case, the far rightwing garbage--such as this stinking pile from the Wall Street Urinal--tells us, by direct reversal, what the truth is, and additionally tells us what the corpo-fascist agenda is, which we can then apply to the New York Slimes and BBCons, where that agenda is generally more hidden.
Clearly, dissing Naomi Klein is now part of that agenda. Her book is making headway, apparently, at educating the public on what is happening to us now, here, which first happened to Latin America over the last several decades, at the hands of the rich and the corporate, particularly U.S. corporate. Another agenda item is the on-going project of toppling the Chavez government in Venezuela, which this scribbler mentions--"...the proto-Chavista government of Salvador Allende..."--with the rather obvious hope that Chavez will go the way of Allende and be replaced by a U.S. friendly fascist dictatorship (as has occurred in Honduras). And a third agenda item is to restore the 'luster' of "free trade for the rich" and "trickle down economics," so sullied by the Bush Junta's massive looting and crime spree.
Look for these agenda items--identified here by the rule of reversal in the Wall Street Urinal--perhaps more subtly presented by the Slimes and the Cons. 1) Undoing the educational damage that Naomi Klein has been doing to the corporate agenda among the brainwashed, hypnotized, disempowered, demoralized masses (i.e., waking people up!); 2) Toppling the Chavez government; and 3) Preparing the way for the false narrative of "liberal failure," here, and installation of another Bush Junta to finish us off--we, the people, the majority of Americans--as a prosperous and progressive force in the world.
Never doubt that where the Wall Street Urinal pisses, they all piss.