ARMY FORESEES "PERPETUAL TURBULENCE" IN CYBERSPACE Army doctrine (pdf) published last week anticipates an increasingly unstable information environment that may challenge Army operations and test national capabilities.
"Unprecedented levels of adverse activity in and through cyberspace threaten the integrity of United States critical infrastructure, financial systems, and elements of national power. These threats range from unwitting hackers to nation-states, each at various levels of competence. Collectively, the threats create a condition of perpetual turbulence without traditional end states or resolution."
Under prevailing circumstances, the Army says, "Notions of 'dominating' cyberspace are simplistic and unrealistic. A realistic and meaningful goal is to achieve and maintain freedom of action in and through cyberspace while being able to affect that of the adversaries."
The Army's assessment and proposed response are described in "Cyberspace Operations Concept Capability Plan 2016-2028," TRADOC Pamphlet 525-7-8, February 22, 2010.
I'm thinking they are gonna use the threat of "terrorist" hackers to clamp down federal and corporate control over the net. This phrase is particularly disconcerting, "unwitting hackers to nation-states, each at various levels of competence." If somebody consistently leaves anti-administration comments say on the Whitehouse Facebook feed, I'm thinking that would constitute a threat and such actions would be deemed a cyber attack.