http://washingtonindependent.com/78191/sarah-palin-newspapers-that-i-wont-talk-to-wont-let-me-talk-to-themSarah Palin: Newspapers That I Won’t Talk to Won’t Let Me Talk to Them
By David Weigel 3/3/10 10:49 AM
Dave Itzkoff ribs Sarah Palin, in perfect New York Times style, for a strange complaint made on the program formerly known as The Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien. Palin’s version of her criticism of “Family Guy,” which recently featured a Down Syndrome actress doing the voice for a Down Syndrome character whose mother was “the former governor of Alaska”:
Somebody making a joke that wasn’t so funny because it was a lame episode of the “Family Guy,” but a special-needs family asking me what I thought about the episode. I commented and then that gets out there in the blogosphere, it gets out there in the different forms of the mediums that we have today. And then it’s left there, not an opportunity for me to follow up and kind of elaborate on what I really meant and what I really thought of the thing.
The New York Times had previously sought comment from Ms. Palin about the “Family Guy” episode and Ms. Friedman’s response to her, but neither her press representative nor her political action committee replied to requests.
This is sort of what I’ve written about in the past. Plenty of reporters wrote on Palin’s Facebook post about “Family Guy,” and most made a good faith effort to ask her a follow-up question. The Times, enterprisingly, published a stinging rebuke to Palin from the actress, Andrea Fay Friedman. And even then, the paper got no response from Palin.