Grossly Understates Coal Ash Dangers
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has severely underreported the severity of coal ash waste pollution and its threat to human and environmental health throughout the United States, a new independent study released February 24 by the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) and Earthjustice says.
The EPA's tally of coal ash contamination locations last year did not include an additional 31 sites that should have been included in the totals, stated the study, entitled "Out of Control: Mounting Damages From Coast Ash Waste Sites."
Annually, coal-fired power plants in the US produce approximately 140 million tons of fly ash, scrubber sludge and additional combustion waste from the burning of the fossil fuel. This coal ash, which contains numerous toxins like arsenic and lead, is contaminating groundwater, drinking supplies and wetlands in dozens of states.
Using a similar methodology as the EPA to identify these sites, Earthjustice and EIP found that since the EPA's coal waste list is missing 31 toxic areas, the agency is failing to allow the public to fully understand the gravity of the problem. The Obama administration's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is reviewing a coal-ash contamination rule proposed by the EPA, but despite mounting pressure from environmental groups OMB has not yet allowed the EPA to monitor coal waste.
(take special note of these next paragraphs)
The coal industry and some members of Congress do not want to see coal ash deemed a toxic material for fear that it will affect the way coal-fired power plants operate, inevitably hurting the company's bottom line as well as jobs in their respective states.
On February 4, 2010, six members of the Illinois Congressional delegation, led by Democrat Jerry Costello and Republican John Shimkus, sent a letter to the OMB urging it not to give the EPA authority to regulate coal waste.
for Pete's sake Obama make them do what is right for the people not the coal barons!
the W.H. should go and live for awhile beside a sludge pond.