Gay politicos prep for 'I do' in D.C.
By ERIKA LOVLEY | 3/3/10 4:39 AM EST
Republican Craig Max has dreamed for years of having the ultimate D.C. wedding — a National Cathedral ceremony, followed by a rooftop reception for 200 overlooking the National Mall at the Kennedy Center.
But the Log Cabin Republicans boardmember didn't expect he'd ever be able to marry his partner, former Supreme Court librarian Michael Zurat, until today.
The couple is one of many same-sex Washington couples who are expected to line up outside the District Superior Courthouse today, the first day that same-sex couples can apply for a marriage license under the District's new gay marriage law.
The law has many grappling with new, uncharted territory — in both their love lives and work lives.
"Right now we're in a gray zone between being engaged and fully married and having that commitment," said Max, who recently gave Zurat an engagement ring. "Now we will actually reach our goal of having a formal and recognized within the traditional definition that we view our relationship."
It will also give them definition to a four-year relationship, allow them to further solidify estate planning and guarantee them hospital visitation rights that are currently only secured under the District's domestic partnership rights.
But for some, the question is about professional relationships: how will it be to work alongside lawmakers, and in some instances within a political party, who fought to see the law revoked?