We realize that you Teabaggers are too self absorbed to sacrifice ANYTHING for your country.
Loathing your nation to the point of not wanting to pay your taxes and willfully DE-FUNDING America and it's social safety net to the point of collapse is as UNPATRIOTIC as it gets.
TURNCOATS you have become.
You have turned against your own nation.
So get out of our way. If all you got is whinin', pissin' and moanin', get out of our way.
The rest of us will shoulder the burden and try to fix this collapsing mess called America. We don't need a bunch of petty, self-absorbed, whiners to slow down the immense task of rebuilding this crumbling nation. Cry-babies have never advanced America and never will.
Whiners didn't rebuild America after the Great Depression.
Unions, workers, and Democrats rebuilt America after the Great Depression.
Conservatives stood on the sidelines and whined then like they're doing now.
Whiners don't advance America. Then or now.
Fixing America will take sacrifice from each and every one of us.
It takes personal sacrifice from every one of us to make a nation work. For a nation to sustain.
Teabaggers are unwilling to sacrifice anything for their nation. UNPATRIOTIC.
To the Teabag 'movement', if you are unwilling to sacrifice then get out of our way. If you don't want to help, if getting dirt under your fingernails is too much to ask, demanding that pothole be fixed for free, police our neighborhoods at no cost, build that highway for your SUV for pennies, and your love for 'strong on defense' but don't pay as you go..
It costs money to maintain this great nation that we live in.
If sacrificing a little bit of what you earn is too much to ask then step aside.
Grab some bench. Sit on the sidelines. Get out of our way.
The rest of us have work to do. If you're unwilling to help or to sacrifice, get out of the way.
We'll sacrifice for our country. We'll shoulder the burden. With or without you.