Interesting stats out of the 2008 DADT discharges. disproportionately affects women. Although women made up 15% of the armed forces in 2008, 34% of service members discharged were women.
The impact of DADT on women varies according to service branch. For example, women comprised only 20% of the Air Force yet made up 62% of Air Force discharges.
Racial minorities are also disproportionately affected by Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Non-white active duty service members represent 29.4% of the total military population, but comprise 45% of all DADT discharges in 2008.
Service Branch/Percent Women Discharged Under DADT/Percent Women Serving in Branch:
Army 36% 14%
Navy 23% 15%
Marine Corps 18% 6%
Air Force 62% 20%
Race/Ethnic Group Percent discharged under DADT:
White (non-Hispanic) 55%
Black 20%
American Indian 3%
Asian/Pacific Islander 8%
Other/Unknown 5%
Hispanic 9%