Edited on Wed Mar-03-10 04:07 PM by The Backlash Cometh
it's no wonder that our country is in trouble.
It's time to wake up, people. We no longer live in a world where the civil servant is allowed to do their job without interference. There is some real malfeasance taking place today and it won't be stopped until we expose it. Today, people who have government jobs in small towns just want to keep the top dogs happy. For them, ethics flew out the window a long time ago. You now have City Attorneys telling Staff people that the laws protect them if an issue comes up over a planning matter; or that the City has sovereign rights so that no one can sue them; or that the ultimate decision makers are the City Commissioners. Therefore, if they approve something, then it's bulletproof because of the City's sovereign rights. Everyone defers to the rule of the Commission and it's no longer the Code that is followed, but the rule of the Commission.
Is it any wonder why business people and real estate individuals have steadily taken over the boards of our local governments with these kind of attorneys to guide them? How long before everyone finally gets on the same page to this blunder? It's like the Constitution doesn't exist any more.