Third graders running RNC insult own donorsby kos
Wed Mar 03, 2010 at 02:20:04 PM PST
Feel the respect.
The Republican National Committee plans to raise money this election cycle through an aggressive campaign capitalizing on “fear” of President Barack Obama and a promise to "save the country from trending toward socialism."
The strategy was detailed in a confidential party fundraising presentation, obtained by POLITICO, which also outlines how “ego-driven” wealthy donors can be tapped with offers of access and “tchochkes.”
Take a look at this slide:
It's a bit hard to read, but the box on the left is titled "visceral giving", which is mostly small dollar donors. Teabagger types. The box on the right is "calculated giving", which are those buying access.
For the former, the RNC calls them "reactionary", which is obviously an accurate description, but not the sort of thing you want your own party saying about you. For the latter, the RNC calls them egotists.Then, it turns out the RNC is run by third graders. Here's slide #7:
The inmates truly do run their asylum.