(Photo credit: Laura Seitz, Deseret News)
Scott M. Matheson, JrNominee for the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
57 years old
A.B., Stanford University, 1975.
M.A., Rhodes Scholar, Oxford University.
J.D., Yale Law School in 1980."Matheson — a former U.S. attorney for Utah, gubernatorial candidate and University of Utah law school dean — is currently the Hugh B. Brown Presidential Endowed Chair at the U.'s S.J. Quinney College of Law" (Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News, 2010).
“Scott Matheson is a distinguished candidate for the Tenth Circuit court. Both his legal and academic credentials are impressive and his commitment to judicial integrity is unwavering. I am honored to nominate this lifelong Utahn to the federal bench.” President Barack Obama, March 3rd 2010.
Winner of the 2009 Chicago-Kent College of Law/Roy C. Palmer Civil Liberties Prize for his work in writing "Presidential Constitutionalism in Perilous Times" which "suggests a wise path for the nation to follow - one that will meet threats to our security but also will
require presidents to respect constitutional limits."