Kucinich to Force War Debate on House Floor on Wednesday
Submitted by davidswanson on Thu, 2010-03-04 17:35.
Congress Begins Afghanistan Debate
Kucinich Resolution will Spark House Debate Next Week
http://kucinich.house.gov/UploadedFiles/Kucinich_Afghanistan_Resolution.pdfWashington D.C. (March 4, 2010) – Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today introduced H. Con Res. 248 a privileged resolution with 16 original cosponsors that will require the House of Representatives to debate whether to continue the war in Afghanistan. A rule is expected to provide for three hours of debate which will occur on Wednesday March 11, 2010.
Speaking about his resolution on the House floor today, Kucinich said, “There is a new way to fight war in Afghanistan. U.S. Commanders are publicly telling the Taliban when we are coming and where we are going to wage war. This while Karzai tries to cut a deal with the Taliban!
“Meanwhile a large offensive is being mounted--an assault on Kandahar. The U.S. is going to have 100,000 troops ready for a big battle by autumn and logistical problems abound. Here is a quote from the February 20th National Journal, “So, despite the immense effort to push out supplies, the front-line fighters sometimes don’t even have the minimum they need. ‘We had guys out there at outposts in my area of operations starving because we couldn’t get resupply in to them,’” said one Major.