Methinks their opposition to any meaningful HC reform is turning into near political suicide for the GOP. The GOP is making their party vulnerable.
A health care victory by the Dems now might re-invigorate voter interest. HC reform is popular even if people are sick of the debate dragging on and on. The people want a health care reform bill signed into law.
Polls that have been repeatedly posted here on DU have shown broad support on HC reform. Support for a strong Public Option has repeatedly and consistently hovered at or over 60% for the past several months. Support drops for the Senate's version without the PO.
Go, on. Use the DU search function. There are about a gazillion threads posted on DU regarding HC polling. "Health care poll" returned 21,000 matches.
Opposing health care reform today is becoming political suicide, IMO.
Sen Mitch McConnell recently stated that the GOP would use the health care issue to defeat Dems in November if HCR is passed through reconciliation. McConnell stated that the GOP will make the repeal of health care reform a leading campaign issue in the GOP's war against the Dems in November.
I say, bring it on McConnell, you Fascist FUCK.
The GOP will commit political suicide with that campaign theme.
Bring it on!
Passing Health Care reform through reconciliation will be a great political victory for Obama and the Dem party.
Health Care Reform is popular. The people want it done now.
Passing Health Care Reform will be a political winner for our party in November.
Conservadems, put your nation and the will of the people ahead of your corporate allegiance, join the fucking cause for real health care reform and make history.
Attach yourself to making history. History that made change for the better by reforming our broken health care system.
Conservadems, if you sign on and support HCR, history may hold you in the same light as FDR.
Is your corporate allegiance worth sacrificing that kind of legacy?
The legacy of a reformer or the legacy of a corporate puppet?
What's it gonna be conservadems?
I'm proud of our President for standing up and showing leadership and guts by calling for an up-or-down vote and his support for HCR through reconciliation.
To the Congress and Senate..
Right now, you(Reps&Sens) have the chance to make history. You have a chance to protect the weak, the sick, the elderly, the poor, and the American economy by reforming health care.
Attach yourself to history and create a legacy of being a real reformer by joining the cause and supporting health care reform through reconciliation.
To the GOP..
May you fall on your sword of Fascist greed in November.