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Murdoch's NYPost: ACORN Vids 'Highly Edited Splice Job'; O'Keefe, Giles, Breitbart 'Buried Truth'

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BradBlog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 04:25 PM
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Murdoch's NYPost: ACORN Vids 'Highly Edited Splice Job'; O'Keefe, Giles, Breitbart 'Buried Truth'

O'Keefe, Giles, and Breitbart 'Buried the Truth' About Their ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax Video Tapes
And the New York Times is STILL helping them do so...

As The BRAD BLOG has been detailing over the last several weeks, the highly-edited, heavily-overdubbed, secretly (and likely illegally) taped videos, and those who published them, have already proven to have discredited themselves. So we don't wish to get too deep into the weeds demonstrating just how deceptive the tapes were, even as Rupert Murdoch's own New York Post has now reported that the Brooklyn D.A. calls the work of O'Keefe a "'highly edited' splice job ... with seemingly crime-encouraging answers...taken out of context so as to appear more sinister".

But here's just one easily illustrated example of that highly edited splice job with seemingly crime-encouraging answers taken out of context and appearing more sinister than it was in reality.

Hannah Giles, who played the "prostitute" in the tapes to O'Keefe's law school student boyfriend trying to save her from an abusive pimp (as we now know, he never actually posed as that infamous 70's-era pimp character in those offices, though the NYTimes has yet to correct its repeated misreporting on that), had this to say on Sean Hannity's show on September 14th last year, the same day Breitbart and O'Keefe published their Brooklyn ACORN tape, deceptively titled as "ACORN NYC Child Prostitution Investigation":

GILES: Yes. Imagine that. Everyone is suffering and looking for a loan and they tell us and you know, we're going through all this financial problems, and they're telling me to bury funds in the back yard so that the government or my pimp can't come steal the money.

The startling moment from the highly-edited video that Giles is alluding to, is one the Rightwing propagandists and fellow defenders of the videos try to claim (inaccurately) depicts ACORN workers advising the pair to evade taxes. Trouble is, a quick look at the text transcripts reveals the entire thing -- including Giles' comments to Hannity -- is a deceptive hoax…

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Botany Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 07:16 PM
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1. Brad I am sure you are looking forward to seeing the NY Times and others ....
.... printing the real story, retractions, and apologies for passing off that
propaganda as "the truth."

BTW maybe they can add the study by Ohio's Jenny Brunner that showed
zero votes cast because of ACORN "bad registrations" in 2008.
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BradBlog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 10:50 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Good memory, Botany! (Even I appreciate the reminder of that!)
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 10:53 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. Excellent point!
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Elmore Furth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-10 12:27 AM
Response to Reply #1
7. In fairness the ACORN story was buried in the NY Times
on page A20 with no real investigation or elaboration of the facts.

The New York Times failed to mention that the video was deemed by the Brooklyn District Attorney's office to be a "heavily edited" splice job, after a five-and-a-half-month probe. Sources told the Post that "many of the seemingly crime-encouraging answers were taken out of context so as to appear more sinister."

The conservative media "echo chamber" framed ACORN with the accusation it had stolen a presidential election and the mainstream media blindly repeated the story without any fact-checking

The Echo Chamber is not done yet but they are having a hard time getting traction.

District Attorney Charles J. Hynes said in a statement on Monday that “no criminality has been found” in his investigation of the three employees, who had appeared to advise the woman, who was scantily dressed and identified herself as an “outcall” specialist, not to tell prospective lenders that she was a prostitute and to funnel her earnings to her “pimp” through a third party so that he would not be tied to her.

The videos, made in Acorn’s field offices in Brooklyn and elsewhere, became a YouTube hit. Critics of Acorn (short for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), an influential national organization known for left-leaning voter activism and work on moderate-income housing, had cited the videos as evidence of the group’s corruption.

Last summer, James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles visited Acorn offices in several cities using the pimp and prostitute tale and asked for help in getting a mortgage, saying that their lack of on-the-books income would make it hard for them to get a conventional bank loan.

In a statement, Kevin Whelan, an Acorn spokesman, said that the group had been attacked “because of our successful work to empower hundreds of thousands of low- and moderate-families as voters and active citizens.”

.Advice to Fake Pimp Was No Crime, Prosecutor Says

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Selena Harris Donating Member (273 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 08:52 PM
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2. Murdoch is launching new paper to rival NYT
That's WHY Murdoch is taking this position.
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Crowman1979 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-10 12:18 AM
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5. Either that NY post reporter will be fired by Ailes next week or O'keefe and crew just got...
...thrown under the bus. Not that there's anything wrong with the later. :D
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democracy1st Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-10 12:22 AM
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6. K & R
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Elmore Furth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-05-10 12:52 AM
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8. The NY Times "Senior Editor/Standards," Greg Brock, has a problem with retracting
Edited on Fri Mar-05-10 12:57 AM by Elmore Furth
incorrect information that they published or even remembering where they exactly discovered the evidence.

Incredibly, Brock originally cited claims by Fox News and O'Keefe himself as sources for why the New York Times stood by its apparently unverified and apparently incorrect report. "We believe him," Brock wrote, because he said as much on Fox News, apparently.

The matter went from the absurd to the ridiculous in fairly short order, as Brock then seemed to contradict himself by claiming the Times' source wasn't actually Fox or O'Keefe, but that the Times stood by its reporting because of a mysterious, unpublished video said to back up the claim, along with testimony from ACORN employees.

Though both the video and statements from ACORN employees were cited as evidence their story was right, Brock refused to share evidence for either of the claims. That, even after an independent report from the former Attorney General of Massachusetts -- released in early December, but never mentioned in the Times' recent report (or any report in the paper to my knowledge) -- directly contradicts their reportage.

In short, the Times suggested in an article a week ago Sunday -- and at least seven others prior to it, all published after the release of the former MA Attorney General's report -- that O'Keefe was wearing his infamous pimp outfit inside the offices of ACORN while speaking to employees in his now-infamous hit videos. In actuality, according to the December 7 report by AG Scott Harshbarger, in direct contradiction to the Times reporting, he was not.

New York Times 'Stands Behind' Its Contested Reporting on the ACORN 'Pimp'

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