Passes Resolution Calling Austin Attack ‘Terrorism’
By Evan Perez
The House adopted a resolution labeling the Feb. 18 suicide plane attack in Austin, Texas, terrorism.
The resolution condemns the attack on a building that housed offices of the Internal Revenue Service, and it honors the IRS employee killed and other workers injured, as well as rescue workers.
The wording of the resolution is notable in light of the debate about why the Obama administration didn’t call the event a terrorist attack, in part because of the lack of connection to international terror groups such as al Qaeda.
The resolution passed H. Res. 1127 on a 408–2 vote, with “no” votes from GOP Reps. Ron Paul of Texas and Don Young of Alaska. The offices of Paul and Young didn’t respond to calls seeking comment.
Democratic Rep. Lloyd Doggett, whose Texas district includes Austin, introduced the resolution, along with 27 other lawmakers.
The resolution says in part that it “rejects any statement or act that deliberately fans the flames of hatred or expresses sympathy for those who would attack public servants serving our nation.”
Doggett made reference to a Facebook page that surfaced soon after the attack honoring Joseph Stack, who piloted the plane and left behind an Internet suicide note railing against the IRS over a tax dispute that he blamed for his financial problems.