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Reminder: Liberals Not The Problem On Passing Health Care - FDL

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WillyT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 07:21 PM
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Reminder: Liberals Not The Problem On Passing Health Care - FDL
Reminder: Liberals Not The Problem On Passing Health Care
By: David Dayen - FireDogLake
Thursday March 4, 2010 2:41 pm


People still have a problem being truthful about what’s stopping the House from passing a health care bill tomorrow. House liberals have brooked every compromise, made every harsh vote, lost virtually every big fight, and still backed the bill. Raul Grijalva, who just, um, a day ago talked about leaning no on the final passage, heard enough happy talk from Barack Obama to flip right back to support today. That was never, ever in doubt. They’ll accept the assurance from the President that he will sign the Senate bill and the reconciliation sidecar in tandem, and that’s that. They don’t need much convincing.

The hurdle to this approach remains Blue Dogs and the Stupak 12, and if the House doesn’t meet their deadline, that’s the reason, pure and simple. Diana DeGette may be confident that Bart Stupak and his anti-choicers can’t kill the bill, but he’s certainly confident that he does, to the extent that he’s proclaiming that House leaders “don’t have 10 votes for the Senate bill.”

The return of Nathan Deal into the mix means one more vote will be required for passage, and the pool of those who voted no the first time who could be flipped to yes just got smaller today, as Stephanie Herseth Sandlin pronounced herself a no.

The South Dakota Democrat confirmed during a telephone conference call with reporters that she won’t vote for the Senate version of health-care reform, just as she didn’t vote for an earlier version approved by the House of Representatives.

As for an additional piece of legislation being developed by President Barack Obama to answer some concerns about the existing Senate bill, Herseth Sandlin said she won’t vote for that if it comes to the House by way of the reconciliation process in the Senate.

“I will not vote for the Senate bill as is,” she said. “I will not vote for a package of changes that would go through the reconciliation process.”

Stupak is reportedly negotiating on something with House leaders, which may be the “third bill” strategy, a standalone vote on his amendment attached to the overall bill, which must pass as a condition of his bloc’s support. Failing that – and that would be an extremely hard sell – House leaders would basically have to run the table on potential flippers.

Liberals are really not a part of that discussion. It’s about the Stupak 12 and Blue Dogs.



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Hell Hath No Fury Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 07:47 PM
Response to Original message
1. Thanks for depressing me even more.

The liberals/progressives never HAVE been the problem -- it has ALWAYS been the fucking Blue Dogs. :mad: Once again, the Democratic Party is counting on the left to get the fuck in line and get with the program.

I hope to god there is one, brave Dem Congresscritter somewhere who just says no to the bullshit.

Hey Willy, feel like going to an antiwar march for old times sake? Here in SF on the 20th -- the anniversary of the invasion. Lemme know. :hi:
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Nite Owl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 07:50 PM
Response to Original message
2. Not to worry Obama
will be there standing up for the rights of women any time now. He'll get those Blue Dogs to heel for the good of the party. Stay tuned.

(do I really need this: :sarcasm: ?)
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Dragonfli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 08:44 PM
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3. Liberals will still be blamed of course - SOP of DLC: turn it into a repug bill then blame liberals
when no one likes the fetid rotting sausage squeezed out of Rahms ass.
Blame them for the hold-up.
Blame them for the negative consequences at the ballot box when the citizens see a scam and revolt.
Just blame the liberals period!

That is rule 1.
Rule number 2: Hide as much of the payoff cash as you can, launder the rest.
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MzNov Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 08:46 PM
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4. I hope they "blame" the Liberals when Blanche Lincoln
gets her ASS KICKED !!

I'll be glad to be in the crowd to take the blame for that! :rofl:

:bounce: Go Bill Halter.
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Dragonfli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-04-10 08:47 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. AMEN! /nt
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