everything revealed about Stupak in Rachel's segment. To research it, all she needed to do was start was a simple google search, and follow up by calling the reporters who authored the best 'hits'. My first try:
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%2B%22The+Family%22+%2B%22C+Street%22+stupak+pitts&btnG=Searchgot me as second hit a great piece by a Michigan reporter named Ed Brayton. Was that the name of Rachel's guest tonight?
http://michiganmessenger.com/23484/stupak-denies-knowledge-of-connections-to-mysterious-c-street-house. "Stupak denies knowledge of connections to mysterious 'C Street' house he lives in
By Ed Brayton 7/23/09 3:26 PM
... The C Street house, a former convent, is still listed on official tax documents as a church but it functions largely as a boarding house, with six to eight members of the U.S. House and Senate living there at any given time. Current residents include Stupak, Rep. Zach Wamp (R-Tenn.), Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) and Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.), and Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.). The house has become the focus of much attention after the public admissions of adultery by Ensign and Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina. It has been widely reported that Coburn and other residents of the house knew of Ensign's affair long before it became public and helped him negotiate his way through it. ... When asked if there were any ethical concerns created by living in a house inaccurately listed as a church in order to evade property taxes, Stupak replied: 'I don't own the building, I don't know how the landlord has it listed. I pay rent for a room. I sleep there. I have a room.'"
Jeff Sharlet, contributing editor at Harper¡s magazine and the author of 'The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power,' lived for a time at Ivanwald, another boarding house owned by the group in Arlington, Va., this one for younger men without political power. Sharlet said that Stupak's denial of any knowledge of The Family or its activities is false. 'When I lived with The Family at Ivanwald, a house for younger men being groomed for leadership, I was told that Stupak was a regular visitor to the Cedars,' Sharlet said. The Cedars is yet another compound owned by The Family, one that hosts weekly prayer events led by former Reagan-era Attorney General Ed Meese. Sharlet said that Stupak had much greater involvement with the group than he is admitting, noting that the congressman was 'a Family-assigned mentor to one of my brothers at Ivanwald.' That Ivanwald resident, Sharlet said, 'regularly left for what he and others described as mentoring sessions.' Another reason to doubt Stupak¡s denials, Sharlet said, is that members of the organization and those who live at the C Street house are sworn to secrecy about what goes on there, as fellow resident Zach Wamp admitted to the Knoxville News in the wake of the recent scandals. That makes such denials less credible, Sharlet said.
'The bottom line here is that Stupak is either being dishonest or confessing dangerous ignorance,' Sharlet said. 'The house's function has been public knowledge since the
wrote about it 7 years ago. Multiple mainstream media outlets have reported on the house¡s role as in effect, a lobby in all but name, led by a man who is on video and audio record citing the leadership lessons of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.'"